I am a freelance artist &
graphic designer
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If you require any illustration, graphic design or t-shirt designs, 

please feel free to contact me.

About Me

My Background

I am an established Artist and Graphic Designer, based in North Jersey, with a background in the printing industry for over 20 years. With a lifetime of experience dedicated to the graphic arts,  I believe that I could make a significant and valuable contribution to you and your company.

My studio

My Medium

I am both a traditional artist and a digital graphic designer. I combine both of these talents to create original art and designs with my natural artistic ability. I have a very strong background in the design and graphic arts fields, printing and customer service, which has allowed me to further develop and strengthen my designing skills. I have excellent hands on experience dealing directly with customers, being able to listen to their needs and convey these needs to completion via a wide range of mediums and computer graphics. I also enjoy photography and using my photos for inspiration and in my art.

My Inspiration

I am inspired and influenced by many great artists but the first creative motivation and role model I ever had was my mother. Watching her work hard with her creativity along with the encouragement she gave me prompted me to be the artist I am today. Some other artists that I admire and influenced me range from the old masters like Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Van Gogh to more modern creators like Jackson Pollock, Salvador Dali, Norman Rockwell and Andy Warhol to the great fantasy illustrators and painters  like Frank Frazetta, Boris Vallejo & Bob Ross right up to the past and present comic masters like Joe Kubert, Will Eisner, Jack Kirby, Neal Adams, Berni Wrightson, Frank Miller, Todd McFarlane and Alex Ross. PS I really love comics.